Reduced Appetite? Slow Growth Rates?


The presence of mycotoxins in feeds is an important concern for animal health and performance.

  • Molds can grow and produce mycotoxins before or after harvest, and during storage, transport, processing, or feeding.
  • Mycotoxins are more routinely fed than realized, producing costly subclinical effects, especially in the area of reproduction.
  • Molds and mycotoxins can be found in a variety of feeds, including hay, corn, silages, cotton seed, wheat, and wheat midds.
  • Mycotoxins can be present in a feed or forage, even when there are no visible signs of mold.
  • For example, Fusarium is often found at some level in feed tests. It is one of three mold groups that tend to grow in stored feed. One of the mycotoxins produced by Fusarium is Zearalenone (ZEN). Its estrogenic activity is known to seriously impact reproduction.
  • There are many different mold types, and each mold produces a variety of mycotoxins.
  • Conditions suitable for mold growth, are not necessarily the same conditions for mycotoxin formation.
  • Because frequent testing of feedstuffs from harvest through feedout can be time consuming and expensive, a maintenance program is cost effective protection against feed related stress.
Electron Photograph - GeoBond
Electron Photograph – GeoBond

Reproduction Problems?


Benefits of GeoBond

Specially processed clay minerals, a non-nutritive feed carrier, have been shown to “take up and hold’ (adsorb) harmful mycotoxins. When included as a pellet binder in manufacturing of complete feeds for livestock, or when used as a feed additive in total mixed rations for dairy cattle, swine, and poultry. Harmful mycotoxins are rendered “inactive” through this adsorption process.

Enhanced Properties

High adsorbent clay minerals undergo advanced preparation methods. This includes the removal of organic material, silt, and clay separation as well as other unique mechanical and environmental refinements. The result is a granular Montmorillonite Clay and Diatomaceous Earth product with enhanced active properties for “binding” mycotoxins.

Superior Flowability

As a non-nutritive feed carrier, the uniquely processed natural clay provides an anti-caking and pelleting aid to improve feed handling and consistency, which also improves feed manufacturing efficiences.

Refined Results

This uniquely refined natural clay has the larger molecular surface area for adsorption of toxins to reduce their bioavailability to the animal. Bioavailability of dietary nutrients are unaffected by this adsorption process.

Electron Photographs

Natural Miocene Diatomaceous Clay Montmorillonite. Exclusive preparation methods result in unique large surface area.

Electron Photograph - GeoBond
Electron Photograph – GeoBond